Oct 19, 2018  |  8:00am - 5:00pm

Orientation Day for New Faculty

Register here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/FKLKT8H

Orientation Day is an opportunity to welcome new faculty that have joined the University of Toronto’s Department of Psychiatry.  It provides an introduction to the academic roles and responsibilities of faculty, particularly in terms of their roles as teachers and supervisors.  The day also offers an opportunity for new faculty to meet their fellow colleagues and some senior members of the Department.  All new full-time faculty are required to attend at least once in order to successfully complete their 3-year review.


  • Introduction to academic roles and how to pass the 3-year review
  • The role of your psychiatrist-in-chief
  • Tips for new undergraduate teachers and supervisors
  • Tips for new postgraduate teachers and supervisors
  • Panel discussion on starting your academic role
  • Afternoon workshops on giving feedback and setting the learning climate
  • Afternoon workshop specifically for status-only faculty